About Us

Step into my world at Digital Brush Pro, where every brush is a fusion of my Latinx roots and Native American ancestry. My childhood curiosity was kindled by the vibrant stories of textiles that leapt from the pages of my mother's cherished "Victoria" magazines. In those moments, cradling a pencil, I began to sketch the drapes and folds of fashion as they danced in my imagination.

Under the tutelage of my mother, the hum of the sewing machine became my lullaby, threading my life with the love for fabrics and the craft of turning them into something magical. It was through an inspiring article on lace making that I first felt the stirrings of a deep connection to this intricate art form. To me, lace isn't just a fabric; it's a delicate framework of my heritage—a legacy that I carry with pride.

Harnessing this inborn passion, I've journeyed beyond the tactile world into the realm of the digital, learning to create brushes that capture the essence of textiles, the whisper of chiffon, and the romance of lace. At Digital Brush Pro, I share with you not just tools but pieces of my soul—each brush imbued with the spirit of my lineage and the love of a craft that has been a lifeline to my past.

Join me in this digital celebration of textile art, where ancient traditions are reborn through modern strokes, and every creation is an homage to a culture as enduring as the threads of lace.